Delve Post Build Services2018-05-23T19:48:45+00:00

Delve Post-Build

The construction of your project has reached completion (or at least it should have) and you are somewhat dissatisfied with the outcome. Understanding what your options are in terms of who you turn to assist with any problems or disputes with the building works or certification can often prove to be a minefield.

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Consultation service

As this is a time that you should be enjoying the fruits of all the energy you have injected into your project. Delve Design offers a Post-Build consultation service to walk you through any final submission and or correction issues with Certifiers, Builders, and Project Managers.

Delve Design will arrange a time to meet and discuss your project and how we can assist with anything related to your project.

Much like our Pre Build process, a visit to your building site or your property is a critical step in a successful consultation. This gives us the chance to walk the boundaries with you, observe the site in detail, discuss how the works have been carried out and to assess what, in our opinion, are the underlying issues.

Quite often the work of post build services can be avoided if the correct Tender documentation and process is adhered to in the first place. We will ensure that we discuss all areas of your project that you may be unsure of, in order for you to truly understand, by comparison, if you are in as bad a position as you may have first thought.

With years of industry experience, both onsite and in the design office, the team at Delve Design will leave no stone left unturned. From concept to completion we understand the correct process and procedure more than most.

Some of our Bespoke post build services:

  • Independent post-build advice from a licenced Builder
  • Architectural plans outlining items of interest for attention or rectification.
  • Independent itemised reporting on building works on adjoining blocks
  • Swimming Pool Certification Services

If you have any queries about our post-build services, drop us a line: 02 9980 9528. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you enjoy your new space as much as we can.