Delve Pre-Build Services2018-05-23T19:47:19+00:00
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Delve Pre-Build

The preparation, lodgement and tracking aspects of a development application (DA) and Tender process are demanding if you are not familiar with specific requirements and assessment protocol. Keeping up with them all can be extremely challenging.

That’s why we offer comprehensive over-the-counter lodgement and DA tracking as part of our service. Rather than letting you worry about how your application is progressing, we track its progress for you.

Preparation of your Application

The preparation of all your application information from application forms to the digital copy requirements for each individual council submission are taken care of by Delve Design in house. We would prefer that you leave this checklist with us to compile on your behalf and most of our scopes of work include this as a part of the process to simplify and speed up the administration time of the application.

  • Did you know that each local council has a separate DA or CDC checklist, tailored to their own needs and requirements?
  • We deal with Private Certifier and Local Council checklists every day of the week and would prefer you leave this to us!
  • The additional information we can arrange or provide for you and your application includes but is not limited to the following:

Architectural and Building Design DA and CDC

Architectural and Building Design – CC

Lodgement of your Application

We are very proud of the lodgement service we provide to our customers. This is a particularly good way for us to maintain contact with the local authorities and build on face to face relationships with their planning departments. Understanding that lodgement of any documentation with most authorities in the modern world is moving closer to electronic, we are flexible. While we are still allowed to walk into the council offices… we will!

Upon completion of the items requested on the council or private certifier’s final checklist,  we will arrange a time to personally delivered and lodge your application for you!

Tracking of your Application

Once your DA or CDC is lodged, we track your application until the date of approval. For some property owners, this can be a lengthy and anxious process, involving long periods of waiting, working to council time frames and the potential for requests for additional information.

Hire us to take care of your application and we’ll make sure it happens as quickly and efficiently as possible. Given we know both local and state regulations inside-out, we rarely experience issues. However, should any arise, we monitor and resolve them at lightning speed. That way, you can get on with your building project sooner rather than later.

Tender Preparation

Project documentation doesn’t stop at the information provided to  the authorities. We will also prepare a number of additional tender documents to assist you in preparation for Tender.

Commonly builders will require a Scope of Works, Provisional Sum Schedule and Prime Cost items listed for them to achieve the most accurate pricing for your project. Delve Design will provide each of these Tender documents to prepare you for sending your project out to Tender to obtain apples for apples quotations.

Tender Evaluation

Delve Design has developed a unique approach to guiding our clients through the tender process. With well over 20 years experience in the building (construction) industry, we understand how it works from the other side of the table. Some questions you need to consider:

  • Are your builders price points miles apart? If so why?
  • Do they clearly indentify the inclusions and exclusions?
  • Have they given you a realistic time frame to completion?
  • Do they carry the correct licence’s and insurance?
  • Above all, are they the type of principle contractor you would like to work with and why?

If one or all of the questions above are playing on your mind, or you tender comparison is beyond comprehension, we would like to assist you in making an educated decision and above all give you the confidence in knowing you have selected the right contractor to carry out your project.

We will arrange a meeting at our office or your home to walk you through what you have been provided and turn this into all the information you need to make the right choice.

All application types

Our Pre-Design service will cover all types of applications.

Drop us a line

If you have any concerns or queries about our lodgement and tracking services, drop us a line: 02 9980 9528. We look forward to hearing from you and helping make the development application process as pain-free as we can.