Dual Occupancies2018-05-23T12:11:17+00:00
dual occupancies

Dual Occupancies

So you want to build a dual occupancy? Whether it is for rental purposes or to live in yourself, we have done it all and are happy to provide advice. We carefully consider the goal of the client and keep in mind how we can help them to best maximise their spend.

Is dual for you?

Carry out design feasibilities for dual occupancy potential according to local and state government development controls.

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We can design the dual occupancy to suit your needs, either single or double story. We take into account how you want the dwelling to service your goals as an owner occupier or as a rental property.

There are many options including:

  • Attached or detached developments
  • New proposals – demolish existing dwelling to make way for 2 x dual occupancy dwellings
  • Exploring the opportunities to split one existing dwelling into 2 dwellings